Tax Compliance (Tax Returns)
We take the burden out of regulatory compliance and make it as easy for you as possible, so that you can get back to focus on growing your business.
No matter whether you are an individual or a small business we are able to assist you with your tax compliance obligations.
We will use our knowledge of the taxation system to maximise any available tax benefits or available opportunities to help you reach your financial goals.
We will ensure your current accounting systems and methods are maximising good decision-making and minimising wasted time. We can train your staff to work with your accounting software and empower them by providing proven accounting techniques.
Business Activity Statements (BAS)
Businesses use activity statements to report and pay a number of tax obligations, including GST, Pay As You Go (PAYG) instalments, PAYG withholding and Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT).
Lodgement of these forms can be done through our office directly to the ATO.
The ATO issues the activity statements before the end of the reporting period, which is usually every three months or every month, as required.
A tax period is either a period of three months ending on 31 March, 30 June, 30 September or 31 December, or a calendar month. You may be able to elect an annual tax period.
Business Structuring
We provide ongoing advice to optimize tax structures, this includes advice on corporate structures, asset protection through the use of trusts and retirement planning through the use of superannuation funds.
We advise on the role of being a director, highlighting the obligations, responsibilities and fiduciary duties outlined in the corporations law.
Bookkeeping & Payroll
Sheehan Financial provides our business clients with bookkeeping advisory and solutions to ensure that their business can thrive long term.
How do we do this?
We will work with you to choose the correct accounting software for you and your business.
We will then help you implement the new system throughout your business as well as always on hand to help with any questions that may arise throughout this process.
We will continue to work with you to ensure you are utilizing your chosen software to its full capabilities as well as any issues which may arise.
We also offer full service bookkeeping & payroll which takes the pressure off you and allows you (the owner) to concentrate on other areas of the business.
We understand the financial areas of any small business can be confusing and daunting for any business.
Advice on Tax, Financial Future & Growth Opportunities
Everyone has their own personal vision of the ideal future; we understand this and work with you to achieve yours.
Sheehan Financial will work with you to create a unique and detailed plan to suit you no matter what your needs and wants are. No matter what life stage you are at it is never too soon or too late to seek financial advice. We work with all generations, individuals, couples, business owners, families and retirees. If you run a small business, we want to protect your family group or are looking to retire, we can help you.
You tell us what your dreams are and we will guide you in how you can make them a reality with a detailed financial plan. We focus on the whole picture, not just the financial aspect of your life. That way you can create the lifestyle you want and spend time with the people you love. It is about achieving your ideal future, not just about managing your finances.
Self Managed Superfund (SMSF)
Allows you to take control of your superannuation and invest it the way you want to. Whether that be shares, managed investments, property (Residential & Commercial) or any range of assets which suits your needs and wants. We will take care of the compliance and regulatory requirements all while allowing you to invest the way you want.